August 21, 2006
Hello all, this is Shayla's cousin April Fowler. I have decided to start a site for her so that everyone concerned will be able to keep up with her and little baby Garrett's progress. Eventually, Shayla herself will be able to keep you updated. The family has had wonderful support from extended family, friends, hospital workers and even warm loving strangers. We would like to Thank you all for everything that has lead us up to this point. On this blog you will be able to learn of Shayla's difficult road to recovery and what has landed her where she is today. Her father (Mike) wants everyone to use this a tool for education for Necrotizing Fasciitis (Flesh Eating Bacteria ). He wants the public to be able to recognize the symptoms and now how to get the help needed at the earliest stage possible. Current press releases will continue to be added as they are reported. Please feel free to leave any comments. Shayla will be ever so grateful when she hears about your well wishes. Our goal is to do our best to keep you updated everyday as time is avail. As I sign off today, know that I am working on making this a very informative site for all parties. Thanks again for all of the support you have shown. Just reading this blog shows you care!
~April Fowler
~April Fowler
We all are praying for Shayna. My wife Sharon contracted NF, Jan. 4th 04 and still is facing more surgeries. She was in a coma for 4 months and lost half her torso. Take care of yourselves, its a long slow healing prosses. Gary
Shayla and Baby Garrett. While you don't know me I want you to know that you are in my prayers and I wish you health and great happiness. Remember that God works miracles so don't lose your faith. May God be with you through this journey.
God bless, Darce
Shayla, you are fighting this NF with all your heart for your precious Garrett and the family who loves you..and there are people who are a part of the NF family praying for you and your recovery. You aren't alone in this...we will be watching for updates on your progress..
Cyber Hugs
Pamela's Mother
Hi! my now 14 year old daughter keyara had NF @ 2 weeks old and is a long healing process. With the grace of god and lots of prayer we made it through. so may god bless you and your family throgh this rough time. we will keep you in our prayers. Keyara Lopez Denver,colorado
shayla and family God bless each and every one of you.I had NF in Aug. 2005 and am doing well.This is a wonderful site and you are going to meet so many people who understand what you are going through.It is going to be a long hard road for everyone but please know that I am here any time you need to talk.Garret is a beautiful baby you realy have something to be proud of and fight for.Im praying for your continued recovery and for your family.May God bless you all. RITA
shayla and family God bless each and every one of you.I had NF in Aug. 2005 and am doing well.This is a wonderful site and you are going to meet so many people who understand what you are going through.It is going to be a long hard road for everyone but please know that I am here any time you need to talk.Garret is a beautiful baby you realy have something to be proud of and fight for.Im praying for your continued recovery and for your family.May God bless you all. RITA
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