Journal from the beginning...documented by Shayla's father.

7/19/06 (a.m.) Checked into Penrose Community Hospital with pre-labor pains, temp. 102. Numerous attempts to start the IV (counted over 30 pin sticks) to try and stop the labor.
7/21/06 (p.m.) Checked out of hospital since the contractions had stopped.
7/22/06 (3a.m.) Went back into hospital. Gave birth to little baby Garrett at 11:06a.m.
7/26/06 (p.m.) Checked out of Penrose.
7/26/06 Neck started getting sore.
7/27/06 Neck turned red and swelled up.
7/28/06 Went to ER & was admitted. Neck continued to swell and turn darker shades of red. They had her on an anitbody drip every 6 hours. Shayla had high temps the entire time.
7/30/06 The redness then turned into blisters traveling down onto her chest.
7/31/06 The doctor that had been looking in on her said he wanted a specialist to look at it. An additional doctor ordered a ct scan. That night @ 10p.m. he decided to lance and drain the swollen area.
8/01/06 So far everything looked okay.
8/02/06 The entire area turned BLACK! At this point they were able to diagnose it properly. They then transfered her to Memorial Hospital where they would proceed to do the 1st major surgery to remove the flesh eating bacteria. This was an extremely aggressive surgery in order to hopefully remove it all. More possibly surgeries to follow.
*Keep in mind this entire time Shayla was not awake or aware of the severity of her injuries.
8/7/06 Second surgery at Memorial removed lower chest & left shoulder.
8/11/06 Third surgery at Memorial removed 1" along bottom of left shoulder.
8/12/06 After multiple calls to different Denver hospitals they moved her to University Hospital in the burn unit.
8/15/06 Fifth surgery total, 1st one at University removed more from neck & shoulder. While they had her under they also installed mesh called Integra for the grafting to begin.
8/16/06 Had a bad reaction to 1 unit of blood. Result was high temp, high blood pressure & high heart rate.
8/17/06 thru 8/19/06 Her meds were lessened to begin to awaken her finally.
8/20/06 Breathing tube was removed. (Big Day!!!) Her temp went down & her white blood count went down to 10.
8/28/06 Finally moved from ICU.
8/30/06 Skin grafting will begin at 7:30a.m.
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