Thank you!
A Huge Thank You goes to the Chapel Hills Walmart, to all of you who have sent your prayers/well-wishes Shayla & Garrett's way! They have truly been heard & felt. Not only have you sent your best regards but the donations have been incomparable. We love your jean day idea!!! Very clever! Right at this very moment Shayla is undergoing a Skin Grafting surgery and will be on her continued path to what will be years of recovery. We the family are forever grateful!
Shayla, You are a very brave young woman. Our prayers are continous for you and your baby. Keep up the good work and know that God is right there with you.
Joyce Fuller
Dodge City, KS
From the Kornelson's in Atlanta, get well soon. We look forward to meeting your new baby! Stay strong!
Steve, Lordes and the kids.
Atlanta, GA.
shayla, you hang in there girl! Our prayers are with you and your baby. Take care and I'll be keeping track of your progress here.
Todd Nelson
Guernsey, WY.
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