Letter from Shayla - January 2007

Well what to say?? It has been 6 months since all this happened and overall I think I am doing pretty good. I am doing alot better than some doctors thought I would be. I have not been able to go back to work just yet. Hopefully in a couple of months I will, but for right now I just stay at home and fulfill my duties as a mommy.
I am finished with Physical Therapy (THANK GOD)! Things are going pretty good. This winter has been a little rough on me due to the fact when it gets cold outside my shoulder really stiffens up and it is very hard to move. But I am thankful to be alive so I guess I shouldnt gripe about the little things, right?
Baby Garrett is growing up so fast its hard to keep up with him. He is now 6 months old. He is such a happy boy and sleeps all night long *WOO WHOO* ! He rarely cries. Just smiles and talks sooo much! He has realized how to laugh and I think it is the cutest thing I have ever heard. He is also discovering that he can roll over. I will lay him on a blanket in the middle of the floor and in 5 min. he will be clear across the room just from rolling! He is soo funny. I am truly blessed with such a wonderful and beautiful baby!
I just continue to pray everyday and thank god for the family and friends that I have had to help me get through this. And I also thank god for all of you out there who i dont know that prayed for me and helped me along the way. This year will be better I just know it. But really for right now I just take things day to day and face what God brings my way! Again Thank all of you for your love and Support! It means the world to me and Garrett!
If you would like to get ahold of me you can do so by emailing me at shaylasfight@msn.com
I heard about your fight with the "virus" or "bacteria". I am glad that the Lord has chosen to see you and your son through this terrible illness. I BELIVE THAT YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN TO BE A SPOKESPERSON FOR THIS TERRIBLE AFFLICTION. I may be wrong, but the Lord moves in mysterious ways. I am truly grateful that you have pulled through. I think that you are a blessed young lady.
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